cruise planner

Royal Caribbean

If I'm going to be spending more money on a cruise, the least I can have is a nice experience while I'm at it. So in 2019, the design team set out to completely restructure the way we allow guests to plan their upcoming cruise for 3 RCG brands, Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, and Azamara.

Collaborators: Aldo De La Paz, Elizabeth Garcia, Michael Herrera, Lea Botwinick, Roberto Quiñones, Alice Chou, Jaime Negron

what we had to work with

The original site wasn't the greatest.

Promotional pricing was misleading and a source of frustration.

Product recommendation was not personalized, even if you had already purchased the product.

In order to book anything, it was a long multi-step process.

Content on detail pages was limited and outdated.

The navigation was dense and confusing.

It was not mobile friendly.

The list goes on.

getting the work done

Because this project had so many moving parts, it was all hands on deck. The team touched essentially all parts of the experience. My primary focus was working on initial concepting and wireframing, iterating on UI elements for testing, overseeing the work when fleshing out use cases, and creating prototypes for presentations and development hand off.

a snapshot of the booking flow

The booking flow went through many iterations. From initial low to high-fi wireframes and UI design to many rounds of review and testing...

the selected booking experience

We really thought it was important to keep guests in the same page while making their booking selections. The available times and pricing summary would update real-time according to guest selection. Overall, this experience allows guests to experiment with their choices, get immediate feedback, scroll down to read more about the product, without ever having to leave the page and disrupt the process.

what about everything else?

You can imagine every page and every experience went through the same rigor. From the Homepage, to the listing pages, to the product detail pages and the checkout experience. It truly was a group effort. Below are just a few of those finalized screens. The experience is developed and we are still constantly iterating and improving.

Maybe not all the really nice UI elements and iterations made it to the MVP, but hopefully next time you have a Royal, Celebrity, or Azamara cruise to plan, you can see the experience for yourself.